House Science Committee Reports out AFG / SAFER Reauthorization House Appropriations Committee marks up FY 2024 DHS Appropriations Bill
Reauthorization On June 21st, the House Science, Space and Technology committee reported out H.R. 4090, the Fire Grants and Safety Act of 2023 on a 29-0 unanimous vote. The bill

Assistance with Fire Industry Data
During the 2022 FEMSA / FAMA Annual / Fall Conference a Chiefs Roundtable discussion on “Data usage in the Fire Service” was provided and chaired by John Oates, MS EFO,

AFG and SAFER Reauthorization (S. 870) on Senate Floor
On Wednesday, March 15, 2023, the Senate Homeland Security and Government Reform Committee reported out S.870, The Fire Grants and Safety Act. The bill now heads to the Senate floor

Release of FY 2022 AFG NOFO
The FAMA/FEMSA GAC wants to bring the following three important developments to your attention. FEMA yesterday released the FY2022 AFG Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Click here to review. The

CFSI Registration is Now Open for the 32nd Annual Fire and Emergency Services Dinner and Symposium / Be sure to Secure Your Hotel Room for the 2023 FAMA/FEMSA GAC Hill Day
CFSI has announced that registration for the 33rd Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner and Symposium is open on cfsi.org. If you plan to attend the FAMA/FEMSA 2023 GAC Hill Day,
AFG Reauthorization; EPA Deadline on PFAS; and Supply Chain Issues
The FAMA/FEMSA GAC wants to bring the following three important developments to your attention. 1) AFG Reauthorization Reported out of Senate Committee: Last week the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee