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Assistance with Fire Industry Data

March 30, 2023

During the 2022 FEMSA / FAMA Annual / Fall Conference a Chiefs Roundtable discussion on “Data usage in the Fire Service” was provided and chaired by John Oates, MS EFO, President and CEO of the International Public Safety Data Institute (IPSDI). The Roundtable participants expressed the vital need for pertinent data from the manufacturers and suppliers of fire equipment and services to support the U.S. Fire Administration.
After the conference, the GAC leadership met with John Oates and discussed how FAMA and FEMSA could help provide vital data. A short survey has been developed to determine the willingness of FAMA and FEMSA member companies to help in this effort.
Please click here to complete the short surveyPlease reply to the survey by no later than Thursday, April 13th.
The GAC leadership thanks you for participating in the survey.


Additionally, a meeting is planned to discuss the next steps of the project. The meeting will be held in conjunction with FDIC in Indianapolis on Thursday, April 27th from 3:30-4:30 pm in room 113 (Indianapolis Convention Center). All that are interested in participating are invited to attend.
If you plan to attend the meeting, please R.S.V.P. to John Granby at: [email protected]


If you have any questions, please contact the GAC Co-chairs:
John Granby at [email protected]
Lee Morris at [email protected]
David Durstine at [email protected]