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AFG and SAFER Reauthorization (S. 870) on Senate Floor

March 29, 2023

On Wednesday, March 15, 2023, the Senate Homeland Security and Government Reform Committee reported out S.870, The Fire Grants and Safety Act. The bill now heads to the Senate floor for consideration tomorrow, Wednesday, March 29th. Click here to view bill text.

Please contact your Senators today and tomorrow and ask them to support S 870.

Key provisions of the S.870 include:

AFG, SAFER, and USFA would be reauthorized through FY 2030.
Authorization levels for USFA would be increased to $95 million (from $76.5 million).
AFG and SAFER programs would sunset on September 30, 2032.

Please act today or early tomorrow.



If you have any questions, please contact the GAC Co-chairs:
John Granby at [email protected]
Lee Morris at [email protected]
David Durstine at [email protected]
or GAC Sr. Adviser Dave Gatton at [email protected]