The FAMA / FEMSA Governmental Affairs Committee champions our efforts on Capitol Hill by educating our congressional representatives and their staffs on the the fire and emergency services industry and the importance of funding the Assistance to Firefighters Grant, the SAFER Grant, and the U.S. Fire Administration.
The GAC requests that every FEMSA and FAMA member fill out this short survey as soon as possible. With this information, we will update the “employment map” that we have used during Hill Day for the last eight years. The map includes in the aggregate the number of fire industry jobs per state. The map powerfully illustrates the job impact of our industry, and it is extremely effective on the Hill.
Your company’s confidential information will never be revealed. The map includes only the aggregate of fire industry jobs per state.
Please fill out the survey now. It only takes a few minutes in Survey Monkey.
Please complete the survey via the link below.
Option 1: Click HERE to complete the survey online via Survey Monkey.
—– Or —–
Your response is needed no later than Wednesday, March 13th.
Rest assured all company employee information will be kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. The information will be summarized in the aggregate on a state-by-state and province-by-province basis, and no member company personnel will have access to the information you provide.
Thank you for your participation.
GAC Co-Chairs
John Granby, FEMSA
Lee Morris, FAMA
David Durstine, FAMA
GAC Advisor
David Gatton