Senate Appropriations Committee Reports DHS FY 2019 Appropriations Bill – AFG and SAFER funded at $700 million ($350 million each)

June 22, 2018

Yesterday, the full Senate Appropriations Committee reported out its FY 2019 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Bill, funding AFG and SAFER at $350 million each (total $700 million)-level funding from FY 2018.

The United States Fire Administration (USFA) was funded at $44 million.

Other state and local government programs were funded as follows in the Senate bill.

  • $512 million for State Homeland Security Grants, including $90 million for Operation Stonegarden;
  • $605 million for Urban Area Security Initiative grants, including $20 million for  non-profit organizations;
  • $100 million each for Port and Transit Security grants;
  • $700 million for AFG and SAFER grants;
  • $350 million for Emergency Management Performance grants;
  • $250 million for Pre-disaster Mitigation;
  • $250 million for Flood Hazard Mapping and Risk Analysis Program;
  • $15 million for Regional Catastrophic Preparedness grants;
  • $15 million for the Rehabilitation of High Hazard Potential Dams grants;
  • $66 million for the Center for Domestic Preparedness;
  • $18 million for the Center for Homeland Defense and Security;
  • $21 million for the Emergency Management Institute; and
  • $101 million for the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium.

The House Appropriations Committee and its subcommittee on DHS, has yet to mark up its FY 2019 bill.

We encourage FAMA and FEMSA members to contact their congressional representatives in the House to encourage funding of $410 million for AFG and SAFER each, which is the level they were funded in FY 2011.

We will continue to monitor the appropriations process.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact GAC Co-chairs John Granby [email protected], Lee Morris [email protected], David Durstine [email protected], or GAC Sr. Advisor Dave Gatton [email protected].