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Proposed FY 2023 Federal Budget

April 1, 2022

This week President Biden released his proposed FY 2023 Federal Budget, which proposes $370 million for AFG; $370 million for SAFER and $60.4 million for the U.S. Fire Administration.

The AFG and SAFER proposed levels of funding are $10 million more than current FY 2022 funding levels of $360 million for each program. The USFA funding represents a slight increase over FY 2022 funding, with $2 million being set aside for construction upgrades to the National Fire Academy.

The President’s budget is a guide for Congressional appropriators who now will begin their work on individual federal agency appropriations bills, putting their own stamp on them.

During Hill Day next week, the FAMA/FEMSA “ask” will be for both AFG and SAFER to be funded at their full-authorized levels of $750 million each.

If you have any questions, please contact the GAC Co-chairs:
John Granby at [email protected]
Lee Morris at [email protected]
David Durstine at [email protected]
or GAC Sr. Adviser Dave Gatton at [email protected]