House Appropriation Subcommittee Gives Fire Grants $50 Million Increase

June 6, 2019

June 5, 2019, the House Appropriations Homeland Security Subcommittee marked up its FY 2020 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill.

The Subcommittee increased many State and local government programs, giving the AFG and SAFER programs $375 million each, a $25 million increase for each program over FY 2019 enacted levels. This represents a 7.14 percent increase over current funding. Below is a summary of FEMA program “marks” in the bill, which now goes to the full Appropriations Committee for consideration.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) – The bill includes $18.9 billion for FEMA – $2.4 billion above fiscal year 2019 enacted level and $664 million above the request, as follows:

  • $3.06 billion for grants and training – $245.5 million above the fiscal year 2019 enacted level and $733.5 million above the request, including:
    • $700 million for the Urban Areas Security Initiative – $60 million above fiscal year 2019;
    • $625 million for the State Homeland Security Grant Program – $100 million above fiscal year 2019;
    • $750 million for firefighter grants – $50 million above fiscal year 2019;
    • $110 million for Port Security Grants – $10 million above fiscal year 2019;
    • $110 million for Transit Security Grants – $10 million above fiscal year 2019;
    • $375 million for Emergency Management Performance Grants – $25 million above fiscal year 2019; and
    • $130 million for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program– $10 million above fiscal year 2019.
  • $14.5 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund – $2.04 billion above fiscal year 2019 and equal to the request, including $14.1 billion for major disasters.

This represents a significant increase in the AFG and SAFER programs, but it is only the first step. The DHS appropriations process will no doubt remain controversial as it involves such issues as border wall funding and other immigration issues.

The GAC will keep you informed as the process unfolds.  If you have any questions, please contact GAC Co-chairs John Granby [email protected] Lee Morris [email protected] David Durstine [email protected] or GAC Sr. Advisor Dave Gatton [email protected]