FAMA/FEMSA GAC Employment Survey 2019

December 11, 2018

The FAMA/FEMSA Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC) is preparing for the 2019 Hill Day Meetings, and as in previous years, conducting a survey of member companies. The purpose of this survey is to capture company demographic data, including employee counts and business locations which will be used to update the map that illustrates the size and distribution of our industry across the US and Canada. See the attached map for reference.

2018 Hill Day Map

Past versions of the map have proven to be one of the most informative and forceful handouts presented annually to Congressional offices during Hill Day and throughout the year. This one visual powerfully illustrates the broad scope of our industry and its contribution to jobs and the economy within each state/province. It is extremely important to provide an updated map to the new 116th Congress during 2019 Hill Day as new Congressional members and leadership take the helm and determine the future reauthorization and funding of the AFG and SAFER programs. 
Please click here to complete the survey no later than December 21st.
Consistent with past practice for previous surveys, all individual company employee information will be kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, and only will be summarized in the aggregate on a state-by-state and province-by-province basis. No member company personnel will have access to individual company responses.  
Please take a moment to complete this brief and important survey no later than December 21st, so that we can be equipped with current and accurate information for upcoming efforts on Capitol Hill.
Thank you for your participation.
GAC Co-Chairs
John Granby, FEMSA
Lee Morris, FAMA
David Durstine, FAMA
GAC Advisor
David Gatton