2017 Performance Advantage Company Home Day

October 17, 2017

Pictured Left to Right: Vice President Mike Pence and Dick Young, Founder of Performance Advantage Company

On Tuesday, October 17th, Performance Advantage Company (makers of PAC brackets and tool boards) was the proud host of Vice President Mike Pence and Congressman Chris Collins.  Mike Pence was on a tour promoting small businesses as well as spreading the President’s message on Tax Reform.

PAC is a member of the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers Association (FAMA) as well as the Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association (FEMSA). PAC was founded by Dick Young, the previous President of Young Fire Equipment, an innovative Fire Apparatus builder in Lancaster, New York. PAC also resides in Lancaster, an area rich in fire history. Dick’s father Lester was a founding member of FAMA.  


During the visit, invitees listened to the concerns of area small business owners. Topics ranged from regulations and taxation to a shortage of qualified applicants.


Our nation’s first responders are often volunteers; first in line protecting civilians as well as protecting Federal employees and property. When a fighter jet crashes in a residential area, local first responders (not federal employees) arrive on the scene first. When a brush fire threatens a National Park or a Post Office, local first responders (not federal employees) arrive on the scene first.  The nation’s largely volunteer staff must pass continual training and certifications, take time away from home or work and even risk life and injury. Mr. Pence specifically mentioned his support for our first responders!


Encourage your local representative to support the AFG and SAFER grants. Our first responders need our support to continue keeping Americans safe.